About Me
What do you get when you have a hungry desire to explore the universe and far too many things to love and learn?
Made of Stardust
I am a graphic designer by day and a cosmic explorer by night. Throughout my life I have had the longling to explore the terrain of the soul and dream world. A teacher of mine shared with me the most hauntingly beautiful word: Hiraeth… It wasn’t until I was older I realized that these desites were manifestations of the language of the universe. Even then, it took me a while to be willing to dive into my interests that lived under the skin, the bridges between the worlds of mystism, cosmology, gnostism, art, and mythology.
When my head isn’t in the stars I am a belly dancer.
My intention…
By sharing my finding on the value of beauty and personal mythology, I will create a multimedia platform with clear and engaging information that allows me to be part of a community where I can contribute as an authorit and artist of mysticism in history, art and the cosmos.

Latest Posts

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart; I breathe at this hour the fragrance of the lilacs, the violets, and the roses, as at twenty years ago. - Victor Hugo Navigating these intense circumstances has created a prism of variables to consider, weighing...

The Alchemy of Adventure
The roar, the bend and the whimper of a landscape is unmistakably altered by its seasons just as we are lured and tumbled by time. This perpetually dense lead clock spares no one and etches its chimes in our memories so that we can divide its sprawling infinity into...

Working with Archetypes to End Confusion
For years I lived a job that didn't spark me, a schedule that drained my soul, the thread of a desire to be creative wore on me- an artist, writer, traveler or entreprenuer, but the confusion on how to start and the right path to take was just as paralyzing as the...

How to Be a Neptune Mermaid (How Not to be an Escape Artist During the Neptune-Pisces Transit)
This post is a survival guide specifically catered towards sun-in-pisces individuals who are currently going through the transiting Neptune to natal sun conjunction. This is one of the rare once-in-a-lifetime astrological transits that has the ability to be the most...

Neptune Transiting The Piscean Sun
3 Gifts From an Otherworldly Transit If I had to take the most relevant snapshot of my life right now, I’d aim my cosmic camera to Neptune transiting my sun... and it would have to be a deep-sea waterproof camera because my sun is submersed in the midpoint of Pisces....

The Most Important Myth
It's not the myth of Zeus or Aphrodite... it's yours. There is nothing more important to an individual's personal happiness than uncovering their own mythology. It is the personal myth that is most defining as it allows one to live their story, dive into the ocean of...

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